Thursday, April 1, 2010

Four Nurses & Me

Several years ago, I did some typing for some of the students at Mississippi State University for Women. One such case, there were four nursing students that had me type their papers for them, and they said they needed them the next Friday afternoon. Which I told them I could manage.

On that Friday morning while brushing my partial, it broke in two pieces.  I immediately went to the Dentist to get them repaired, and he told me he could not have them ready before Monday.  

When the girls called to see about a time to come over to proof read and pick up the papers, I told them what had happened and that we would have to postpone them getting the papers until Monday afternoon. They then told me that they had to turn the papers in that afternoon.  So, I told them to come on over, but if they started laughing at my looks, we would discontinue the proof reading and they could take them as they were.

I decided to tie a handkerchief around my face to eliminate their seeing my empty mouth, and when they arrived we went right to work, two girls on each side of me at the computer.  About half way through proofing the article, the doorbell rang and one of the girls on the outside said she would get the door. Well, it was my pastor and when he came in, I had forgotten about having the handkerchief on my face.  He ask one question and then immediately left.  It was after he left that I realized that I had the white handkerchief on my face.

I caught up with him the next day, and explained why things were like they were.  We had a good laugh and he told me that this was going to be a chapter in his book when he wrote it.

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